We, RPM Invest, are the strategic investment unit of the Rheinische Post Mediengruppe and conduct investments into new areas of business. We focus on fast growing technology and digital media companies with a proven business model.

In addition to capital, know-how and an extensive network, we offer founders and entrepreneurs long term partnerships of equals, a high degree of autonomy and flexible transaction structures.

Investment Approach

What are we looking for?

Topic clusters

Technology and digital Media companies with a focus on:

Investment criteria

What do we offer

Long term partnerships of equals

Passion for founders and entrepreneurs
Active support with know-how and an extensive network
Capital to realize further growth potentials
Flexible transaction structures

Venture capital fund investments

Since more than a decade RPM Invest acts as a Limited Partner in leading Venture Capital Funds and has thereby supported more than 100 Start-ups. The regular exchange allows insight into new business models, innovative technologies and different markets. Today substantial participations in Capnamic Ventures, La Famiglia, Neoteq Ventures, the German Media Pool as well as btov form the fund engagements.

Our team

Julius Jürging

Chief Investment Officer

Alexander Botermann

Investment Manager

Sabrina Lücke

Team Assistent

We are looking forward to exciting ideas!

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Career at RPM Invest

The Rheinische Post Mediengruppe

The Rheinische Post Mediengruppe is a media company with its headquarters in Düsseldorf. Its daily newspapers, consisting of the name-giving “Rheinische Post,” the Bonner General-Anzeiger, and the Saarbrücker Zeitungsgruppe (majority position), reach some 1.6 million readers daily with a paid circulation of around 450,000 copies. This makes the media group one of the five highest-circulation newspaper publishers in Germany. At the same time, the media group operates wide-reaching German daily newspaper online portals with around 160 million page impressions per month and holds shares in several radio stations as well as advertising paper publishers.

Hamburg and London are the headquarters of the DVV Media Group, an internationally specialist media publisher with more than 80 newspapers, magazines and online offerings covering all aspects of logistics, transport and shipping. The publishing program also includes corresponding digital offerings as well as international high-profile events and congresses.

The annual turnover of the Mediengruppe was around 500 million euros in 2022. It employs more than 3,000 people in Germany and abroad.


m daily reader of printed newspapers

m monthly page impressions on newspaper online portals
m € turnover



Julius Jürging

Chief Investment Officer

Julius ist seit September 2021 als Chief Investment Officer für die Aktivitäten der RPM Invest verantwortlich. Zuvor war er als Director Digital & Investments bei Holtzbrinck Digital tätig. In dieser Zeit begleitete er zahlreiche etablierte Technologieunternehmen wie gutefrage.net, Netdoktor, pflege.de oder myHammer sowie aufstrebende Startups wie Lecturio, labguru oder AMBOSS.

Sein Betriebswirtschaftsstudium absolvierte Julius an der LMU Universität in München sowie der IE Business School in Madrid.

Abseits der Arbeit verbringt Julius seine Zeit am liebsten beim Spielen mit seinen zwei kleinen Kindern oder in den Bergen.

Alexander Botermann

Investment Manager

Alexander ist seit Oktober 2022 Teil des RPM Invest Teams. Zuvor arbeitete er als Projekt Manager in der Strategie- und Transaktionsberatung von Ernst & Young. Er unterstützte und leitete M&A- und Strategieprojekte bei Start-ups, Venture Capital Fonds, mittelständischen Unternehmen bis hin zu DAX Konzernen. In der Zeit konnte er, neben methodischen Wissen, u.a. auch verschiedene Führungsstile und Unternehmenskulturen kennenlernen.

Alexander besitzt einen Master in Business Management von der Universität St. Gallen und einen Bachelor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der Universität Zürich. Außerdem hat Alexander die ersten beiden Prüfungen des Charted Financial Analyst Programm (CFA) erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

Alexander hat eine positive Lebenseinstellung, interessiert sich für Politik, Geschichte sowie Kultur und besitzt eine Passion fürs Reisen. In seiner Freizeit kocht er leidenschaftlich und lädt gerne dazu Freunde und Familie ein.

Julius Jürging

Chief Investment Officer

Julius joined in September 2021 as Chief Investment Officer at RPM Invest and is responsible for its activities. Before he was Director Digital & Investments at Holtzbrinck Digital. In this position Julius accompanied established technology companies such as gutefrage.net, Netdoktor, Parship or myHammer on the one hand and high-growth startups like Lecturio, Pflege.de or Amboss on the other.

Julius studied business administration at the LMU University in Munich and the IE Business School in Madrid.

In private, Julius loves to spend his time playing with his two small children or in the mountains.

Alexander Botermann

Investment Manager

Alexander joined the RPM Invest team in October 2022. Previously, he worked as a project manager in the strategy and transaction consulting department of Ernst & Young. He supported and led M&A and strategy projects at start-ups, venture capital funds, mid-sized companies and DAX corporations. In addition to methodological knowledge, he was able to learn about different leadership styles and corporate cultures, among other things.

Alexander holds a Master in Business Management from the University of St. Gallen and a Bachelor in Economics from the University of Zurich. Alexander successfully completed the first two exams of the Charted Financial Analyst Program (CFA).

Alexander has a positive attitude towards life, is interested in politics, history as well as culture and has a passion for traveling. In his free time he likes to cook and enjoys inviting friends and family over.